Hello every one,
Thank you for such a over whelming response to my
blog on the aforesaid blog PART I. I got so many quires which I will be
discussing here for all my readers.
Do you mean to say Triple Talaq is not an issue at in Muslim?
No, I do not mean that. Triple talaq is no
doubt an evil existing in the Muslim community. What I mean to say by data is that this the part of
some bigger issue that is abandonment of wives by husband through divorce or
otherwise. And that issue is to be
projected like this one. If we really want women empowerment than this issue is
need of an hour.
Do you mean to say no law is required for betterment of Muslim women?
course is required, no doubt in that. What I tried to say is this that this is
not the right law which is needed. This law is a big dent institution of family
in our society. We always aim to meditate issue between the spouse. But this
law blurs that silver lining of preservation of marriage.
SO, explain what will be the better law?
am just an academician and legislation is not my domain . Yet I am working on
draft so some good model on the same. Right now I can give you just a broad
idea that is Muslim law of divorce is
very clear and very well codified in Islamic law. We can give a legislative
frame to that and in that we can declare that talaq-ul-biddat is not any
form of talaq. And will not have any legal effect of marriage and any person abandons
their wife in consequence can me made punishable. I am working on it and will
surely come for the model bill through my blog .
Are you a Muslim law activist or anti Modi ?
: I am an academician , I am not Muslim
activist nor anti Modi. I write what I
feel right. I have written against Muslims legal thought upon same issue earlier
you can very well check my earlier blogs.
Do we leave our Muslim sisters on their fates. They have already suffered a
asked, no we should not supreme court already
in sayera bano has done some justice
to them. Yes no doubt even after the judgement also we have so many reported
cases of triple talaq. But we should remember that it is a social evil and can
not be eradicated at once. Indeed Muslim community is taking steps to make
people aware about it. They have incorporated
new clause in there nikha nama that talaq-ul-biddat is not valid form of talaq.
So you mean to say we should what till society change completely?
(laughing) No I do not mean that. But we all know
good laws need through study present law is not the out come of good home work.
We have seen in vishaka case it took time to draft a good law . We can see
the issue of child marriage, we have law but maniac still exist in society. I
just want that some law with effective results is required. Present law is
going to create more problem than solutions
I will try in my future blog to draft model Muslim
talaq law soon.
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